Did You Hear What He Said?

Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to actually do what you’re supposed to be doing.

Should I say that one again?

Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to actually get up and do the very thing the Lord has been telling you to do. And sometimes He’s been telling you to do it for a long time. Other people have told you the same thing, and they didn’t even know what God has been telling you. Because He’s using them to emphasize what He’s telling you

Yes, He uses other people to speak into our lives all the time, just to be sure we’re listening. To confirm what He’s already told us. Just in case we didn’t pay attention the first several times.

You’ve either not been listening; or you’ve been avoiding it because you don’t think you’re ready for the task He has for you. Maybe you’re afraid to take the step you know you’re supposed to take, because you’re afraid you don’t measure up. Or you’re not taking that step simply because you’re scared of failing. Or you’re procrastinating, and only you know the reason why.

Would the Lord tell you to do something, sometimes many times, if He didn’t have a really good reason? If He didn’t know what your obedience would do in your life? And would He continue telling you, sometimes for several years, if He didn’t really want you to do what He says?

My favorite verse, as I’ve said many times, is Jeremiah 29:11. “I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord….” Yes He does have a plan for your life. But that plan is not something that will just magically appear one day. His plan requires that we take certain steps, do certain things, to bring that plan to fruition.

And delaying doing what the Lord has told you to do will only delay that plan.

What has the Lord placed on your heart that He wants you to do? What has He been telling you to do? Has He told you to walk away from a certain situation? To release someone or some thing which has a stranglehold on your life? Has he told you to step out of your comfort zone and speak to groups on a particular topic you’re passionate about? Has he told you to write a book, or start a blog, or try your hand at songwriting? Maybe He’s told you to finally use your untapped talent and start painting like you’ve always dreamed of doing!

He wouldn’t tell you to do it, or put the desire in your heart, unless He knew you had the talent and the passion to do what He asked. He knows our heart and our desires so much better than we do. And He knows the plans He has for our lives.

But it all starts with listening to what He has to say. And then taking that step to do what He’s asked us to do. A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.

Have you heard what He’s been saying? Are you listening?

So when are you going to start your journey and start DOING?

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